Salon Inverter Klima


24/28000btu İnverter Salon Tipi Klima
₺ 61,920 ₺ 68,800


24000btu İnverter Klima

Power supply Ph-V-Hz 220-240V,1Ph,50Hz

Cooling Capacity:
- Btu/h 24000(2340~29100)

- Input W 2340(570~3600)

-Rated current A 10.4(2.5~16.0)

- EER W/W 3.01

Heating Capacity:

- Btu/h 26000(9600~33400)

- Input W 2000(1450~3150)

- Rated current A 8.9(6.7~14.0)

- COP W/W 3.81

Seasonal Cooling:

- Pdesignc kW 7.0

- SEER W/W 6.1

- Energy Efficiency Class A++

Heating(Warmer ):

- Pdesignh kW 5.7

-  SCOP W/W 4.6

-  Energy Efficiency Class A++

 - Tbiv ℃ 2

Tol ℃ -10

Max. input consumption W 4850

Max. current A 20

 Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) m3/h 990/760/640

Indoor noise level (Hi/Mi/Lo) dB(A) 39.5/37.5/34.5

Indoor sound power level dB(A) 59

Indoor unit Dimension(W*D*H) mm 405x405x1775

 Packing (W*D*H) mm 2000x510x490

 Net/Gross weight Kg 29.9/38.4

Outdoor fan motor Model ZKFN-80-8-3

 Input W 88.0

 Capacitor uF /

 Speed r/min 830/730/550

Outdoor air flow m3/h 3500

Outdoor noise level dB(A) 58.5

Outdoor sound power level dB(A) 68

Outdoor unit Dimension(W*D*H) mm 890x342x673

 Packing (W*D*H) mm 995x398x740

 Net/Gross weight Kg 44.7/47.9

Refrigerant type Kg R410A/1.95

Design pressure MPa 4.2/1.5

Refrigerant piping Liquid side/ Gas side mm(inch) 6.35mm(1/4in)/12.7mm(1/2in)

 Max. refrigerant pipe length m 50

 Max. difference in level m 25

Connection wiring 1.5x4//

Plug type //no-plug

Thermostat type Remote Control

Operation temperature ℃ 17~30

Room temperature Indoor(cooling/ heating) ℃ 17~32/0~30

 Outdoor(cooling/heating) ℃ -15~50/-15~24

Application area (Cooling Standard) m2 32~47

Qty’per 20’ /40’ /40'HQ 28/64/75


48000btu İnverter Salon Tipi Klima 1 Phase
₺ 99,000 ₺ 110,000


48000btu İnverter Klima 1 Phase

Power supply Ph-V-Hz 220-240V,1Ph,50Hz

Cooling (Standard conditions) Capacity Btu/h 48000(12000~52400)

 Input W 4900(900~5700)

 Current A 22(5.2~25)

Heating (Standard conditions) Capacity Btu/h 55000(14000~61000)

 Input W 5100(1000~5700)

 Current A 22.5(/~25.0)

Seasonal Cooling Pdesignc kW 14.1

 SEER W/W 6.1

 Energy Efficiency Class A++

Heating(Average ) Pdesignh kW 11.0

 SCOP W/W 4.0

 Energy Efficiency Class A+

 Tbiv ℃ -7

Heating(Warmer ) Pdesignh kW /


 Energy Efficiency Class /

 Tbiv ℃ /

Tol ℃ -15

Moisture Removal L/h /

Rated Power Input W 6900

Rated Current A 29.0

Starting current A /

Compressor Model KTQ420D1UMU


 Brand GMCC

 Capacity W 13700

 Input W 3700

 Rated current(RLA) A 7.02

 Locked rotor Amp(LRA) A /

 Thermal protector INT01L-4639

 Thermal protector position EXTERNAL

 Capacitor μF /

 Refrigerant oil/oil charge ml VG74/1400

Indoor fan motor Model ZKFN-200-8-1-2

 Input W 210.0

 Capacitor uF /

 Speed(Hi/Mi/Lo) r/min 540/500/460

Indoor coil a.Number of rows 3

 b.Tube pitch(a)x row pitch(b) mm 25.4x22

 c.Fin spacing mm 1.4

 d.Fin type (code) Hydrophilic aluminum

 e.Tube outside dia.and type mm Φ9.52,Inner groove tube

 f.Coil length x height x width mm 510x864x66

 g.Number of circuits 8

Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) m3/h 2413/2222/2027

Indoor noise level (Hi/Mi/Lo) dB(A) 53/50/48

Indoor sound power level dB(A) 67

Indoor unit Dimension(W*D*H) mm 1935x629x456

 Packing (W*D*H) mm 2055x750x575

 Net/Gross weight kg 59.0/77.0

Outdoor fan motor Model ZKFN-85-8-22-5

 Input W 126.0

 Capacitor uF /

 Speed r/min 830/650

Outdoor coil a.Number of rows 1.6

 b.Tube pitch(a)x row pitch(b) mm 25.4x22

 c.Fin spacing mm 1.4

 d.Fin type (code) Hydrophilic aluminum

 e.Tube outside dia.and type mm Φ9.52,Inner groove tube

 f.Coil length x height x width mm 990x660.4x22+580x660.4x22

 g.Number of circuits 4

Outdoor air flow m3/h 7500

Outdoor sound pressure level dB(A) 63

Outdoor sound power level dB(A) 73

Outdoor unit Dimension(W*D*H) mm 952x415x1333

 Packing (W*D*H) mm 1095x495x1480

 Net/Gross weight kg 91.5/105.4

Refrigerant Type R32

 GWP 675

 Charged quantity kg 2.9

Design pressure MPa 4.3/1.7

Refrigerant piping Liquid side/ Gas side mm(inch) 9.52mm(3/8in)/15.9mm(5/8in)

 Max. refrigerant pipe length m 65

 Max. difference in level m 30

Connection wiring 1.5x4//

Plug type //no-plug

Thermostat type Remote Control

Room temperature Indoor(cooling/ heating) ℃ 17~32/0~30

 Outdoor(cooling/heating) ℃ -15~50/-15~24

Application area (Cooling Standard) m2 64~94

Qty’per 20’ /40’ /40'HQ 15/32/39